Thursday, September 29, 2011

You want me to eat what?????

Spinach, Broccoli, Kale, Collard Greens and Swiss Chard are among the many different types of green leafy vegetables.  Here are a few reasons why eating leafy green veggies are important:

  • They contain more vitamin C than oranges
  • High in calcium and iron
  • High in protein (Popeye for example)
  • Contains more vitamin B2 than milk
So when you Mom tells you to eat all your greens, don't argue....JUST DO IT! :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Crossfit Games on ESPN2

Be sure to catch the CrossFit Games on ESPN2 every Wednesday for the next 5 weeks starting at 7pm.  See if you can spot our very own Carey Kepler and Lisa Bender-Thiel doing some serious work at the Games.  There is a CrossFit Teen get your game faces ready.  CossFit Central will be showing up in the near future with a  mighty Team of teens.

Click here to watch the teen event at the 2011 CrossFit Games

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Team Players

One of the perks of being a CrossFit Kids coach is seeing the kids grow, not only physically but mentally and emotionally. 
Over the last couple of weeks my students/athletes have not only taken on harder workouts which are scaled versions of the adult classes.  But there have been many occasions of defying character and team building during the classes. 

One of our youngest students, was a little defeated by the workout of the day, which was kettlbell farmer walk back and forth the gym.  Knowing that the KB's may have been a little heavier for her I suggested she use lighter weight. As a coach this was just for her safety and to ensure she could participate in the workout. 

To say the least she wanted to do what the older kids were doing. At first she didn't know how to express that she wanted to use the heavier weights so she simply wanted to sit out. Normally I would have encouraged her to participate. But before I had the opportunity to support her, one of the students had taken it on themselves. It was an awww-haw moment, this is the under lying reason why crossfit kids is more than just the physical aspect of growth as a child. It's about building character, and team players.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Weekend Warrior

Because you just can't get enough, here is an easy at-home workout for you to do this weekend:

3 Rounds for Time
5 burpees
10 push-ups
15 squats 
20 sit-ups

*Post your time in the comment box*

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fight Gone Bad 6

Our biggest event is almost here!! Our Kids classes have been practicing the Fight Gone Bad movements that are in the workout. 

Row for Calories
Box Jumps
Push Press
Wall Ball
Sumo DeadLift High Pull
Hazel practicing her Sumo DeadLift High Pull while, Savannah is working hard on the Rower. 

This annual fundraiser and fitness event is set up to benefit the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, Camp Patriot and CrossFit Kids. This year Fight Gone Bad has pledged to fund college scholarships for ALL of the children who lost a children who lost a father in the recent helicopter crash in Afghanistan. The workout is scales to all levels and includes a Kid's Division. Join the CrossFit Central community on  September 17th at Camp Mabry.

Minimum of $75 raised to participate 
$150 to recieve a T-shirt from the FGB organization
Kids must raise $25 to participate