Monday, January 24, 2011

Jump Around

 Drinking Water: Bottled or From the Tap? 

CrossFit Kids
30 Seconds Wall ball
30 Seconds Squats

CrossFit Teens
1:00 Minute Wall ball
1:00 Minute Squats

Riddle of the Day:
What is in the Middle of Paris?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Injury Free

Ways to help your children stay in the game injury-free..

CrossFit Kids 
3 x 
2 Forward rolls, Bear crawl 15 M, 10 Side to side hop over a small barrier

.CrossFit Teens 
3 x
2 Forward rolls, Bear crawl 25 M, 10 Side to side hop over a small barrier

Riddle of the Day:
What city has no people?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday Funday

“On an average school night, how many hours of sleep do you get?”

CrossFit Kids
 20 seconds both feet max line jumps. Rest for 10 seconds..
20seconds Right foot only line jumps Rest for 10 seconds
20 seconds Left foot line jumps Rest for 10 seconds
20 seconds both feet max line jumps.

CrossFit Teens
                                    30 seconds both feet max line jumps. Rest for 10 seconds..
30seconds Right foot only line jumps Rest for 10 seconds
30 seconds Left foot line jumps Rest for 10 seconds
                                                   30 seconds both feet max line jumps

Riddle of the Day:
What Month has 28 days?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Healthy Lunch

Federal government proposes healthier school lunches 
School lunches may soon contain more fruits and vegetables and fewer french fries and cardboard pizza 

CrossFit Kids WOD
30 second max rep squats
30 second max rep sprawls

CrossFit Teens WOD
1 minute max rep squats 
1 min max rep sprawls 
1min Plank hold (hands and toes)

Riddle of the Day:
What Always sleeps with its shoes on?