Over the last couple of weeks my students/athletes have not only taken on harder workouts which are scaled versions of the adult classes. But there have been many occasions of defying character and team building during the classes.
One of our youngest students, was a little defeated by the workout of the day, which was kettlbell farmer walk back and forth the gym. Knowing that the KB's may have been a little heavier for her I suggested she use lighter weight. As a coach this was just for her safety and to ensure she could participate in the workout.
To say the least she wanted to do what the older kids were doing. At first she didn't know how to express that she wanted to use the heavier weights so she simply wanted to sit out. Normally I would have encouraged her to participate. But before I had the opportunity to support her, one of the students had taken it on themselves. It was an awww-haw moment, this is the under lying reason why crossfit kids is more than just the physical aspect of growth as a child. It's about building character, and team players.
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