Monday, March 14, 2011

Central Kids Testimonials


What's your favorite part of CrossFit Teens? It makes you stronger. 
What's your favorite movement? Pull ups with the rubber bands.
What's your favorite summer snack? Frozen Yogurt with Fruit. 
What's your school do you attend?and favorite class? Zilker and was accepted to Ann Richards School. All of her classes.
What's your favorite book? The Goose Girl.
What are your plans for the summer? Ride my pony and chill out.

What's your favorite part of CrossFit Teens? It teaches you about perseverance and helps you keep going even when it's hard. Also, it helps you stay healthy and fit. 
What's your favorite movement? Skin the cat & Box jumps & Deadlifts.
What's your favorite summer snack? Tomatoes with olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette.
What's your school do you attend? and favorite class?  Khabele School & photography. 
What's your favorite book? The Hunger Games.
What are your plans for the summer? Going to the NorthWest in Oregon, Washington, and Northern CA.


Tabata Row
Relay Races with Med Balls and Hurdles

Side to Side Jumps over PVC Hurdles 
Push Ups

Monday, March 7, 2011

Coordination refers to your ability to use your body in several ways at once.

Coordination, agility, balance and accuracy are four general physical skills that are improved through practice. 

"The more you stimulate your nervous system, the better your brain is able to communicate with your musculoskeletal system." - Gaines 

CrossFit Kids seeks to develop body control early in life, thereby preparing our children for the challenges they will face in sport, play and (eventually) work. 

Kids WOD
2 Rounds
3 Kick overs
3 Skin the cats
Balance on a single leg as long as possible

Teens WOD
4 Rounds
3 Kick overs
3 Skin the cats
Balance on a single leg as long as possible

Brain Teaser of the day: 
What is the first thing a gorilla learns at school?

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Our teens class is growing!!!

Welcome Walt, Grace, and Matilda who have graduated from the younger kids 4pm class!

We also offer at 4pm class on Tuesday and Thursdays for ages 5-9!

It's suppose to be a beautiful weekend!! 
Get outside and get active! 
Run, jump, skip, play, roll, hurdle, tumble, walk, skate, bike, swim,  get outside!!  
But most of all make sure to have FUN!!!!!!!!!!

Let's hear what your favorite outdoor activity?